Recycling: Did you know that…

Recycling: Did you know that…

According to research, by recycling 1,000 kg of paper:

– 17 trees are not cut.

– 130 liters of oil are saved, which would have been used to produce the energy needed to create the paper.

By recycling 1,000 kg of glass:

– the sand of the wetlands is not consumed.

– 12 liters of oil are saved, which would have been used to produce the energy needed to create the glass.

By recycling 1,000 kg of aluminum:

– 4.57 tons of bauxite are not mined.

– 700 liters of oil are saved, which would have been used to produce the energy needed to create the aluminum.

By recycling 1,000 kg of plastic:

– 732 kg of gases created by the production of plastic and contributing to the greenhouse effect will not be released into the atmosphere.

Accordingly, you could imagine that with the electricity needed to make 1 aluminum box you can: Listen to the radio for 4 hours, or watch TV for 3 hours, or light a 60Watt lamp for 5 hours, or operate a refrigerator for 4 hours!!!

Recycling: You know that…


Paper is produced from tree trunks. 1,000 kg of paper is produced from 2,200 kg of tree trunks.

Glass is produced from wetland sand, lime and soda. 1,100 kg of these materials produce 1,000 kg of glass.

Aluminum is produced from the mineral bauxite. From 4,000 kg of bauxite, 1,000 kg of aluminum is produced.

Plastic is produced from oil and absorbs 4% of the world's oil consumption for its production.

By putting packaging recycling into our daily lives we build a practical environmental consciousness which we bequeath along with a cleaner environment to the next generations.

Information source: Hellenic Recycling Utilization Society